We are officially counting down to AfricaCommsWeek 2023 – registered for this year’s edition yet? Read on.

Every year since 2017, AfricaCommsWeek has been instrumental in highlighting the role strategic communication plays in Africa’s socio-economic development, convening Africa-focused professionals across the globe and equipping them with the resources & networks to advance balanced narratives about Africa.

Borderless Africa

This year’s theme is ‘Borderless Africa’ – promotes the idea of a united and connected African continent, free from the limitations of physical borders. We’re bringing together international organisations, the private sector, civil society, and development organisations to discuss and highlight the opportunities and value creation that cross-border collaborations can bring to Africa.

Throughout the Week (22 – 26 May 2023), events hosted by partners across the world will convene communication professionals passionate about Africa’s socio-economic development to have brilliant, interesting conversations on strategic ways to redefine the future of communications in Africa.

4weeks to go and we can’t wait!

Explore our event lineup and get involved!