Calling all communication professionals across Africa! Are you looking to grow your network, considering a career pivot, or ready for new professional development opportunities?

Catch the recording of “Upskilling for the Future of Comms” hosted by Africa Communications Week and CIPR International to discuss the importance of upskilling and continuous professional development. The workshop featured ACW’s top 10 power skills for the future of comms and provided an in-depth look into the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and the newly available online chartered assessment.

Speakers at the workshop included:

  • Eniola Harrison, MCIPR (Co-Founder of Africa Communications Week)
  • Annie Mutamba, (Co-Founder of Africa Communications Week)
  • Andras Sztanislav FCIPR, Chart.PR.(Chair of CIPR International)
  • Mandy Pearse MBA FCIPR (CIPR President-Elect)
  • Graham Kench (CIPR Membership & CPD Manager)
  • Darbuni Hyai Maikori MBA, Chart.PR, MCIPR, MNIPR
  • Samantha Seewoosurrun MCIPR (Founder of CIPR Mauritius network)