With 10 years left to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the 2020s are the decade of delivery. And AfricaCommsWeek is committed to be a part of it. We’re stepping up our efforts to ensure that communication features more prominently on Africa’s development agenda.

AfricaCommsWeek supports the 17 SDGs adopted in 2015 by the United Nations, which define global priorities and aspirations for 2030. Answering this universal call to action is natural for us because we believe that communication is an essential part of the global development agenda.

Among the 17 SDGs, there are three which are particularly relevant to our vision and mission. We decided to focus on SDGs 4, 8, and 17, as we know this is where AfricaCommsWeek can actively participate, make a difference and be part of the solution.

SDG 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

We believe that communicators can play a significant role in Africa’s development. It is imperative to reduce barriers to skills development and training for Africa-focused communication professionals. Lifelong learning opportunities for youth and adults is equally crucial. We work to increase and diversify learning and education opportunities for communication professionals worldwide who are looking to impact Africa’s transformation.

SDG 8 – Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

The link between communication and Africa’s economic transformation is often overlooked. But #TheAfricaWeWant will not happen without communicators playing their part.

Our research shows that African countries need to implement robust communication strategies to boost and achieve their socio-economic transformation. It is now obvious that the first (and biggest) step African governments can take to reduce their reputation gap is to include their skilled communication workforce in decision-making.

Likewise, African governments and institutions will need all stakeholders informed and engaged (at the local, national, regional, and international level) if Africa is to move towards greater economic integration. It will take seasoned stakeholder management and strategic communication to implement this ambitious vision and unlock Africa’s potential to exploit economies of scale, attract investment, and facilitate value addition. Communication professionals have a strategic role to play.

SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

We’re building bridges between communication professionals committed to Africa’s transformation. Partnership is at the heart of everything we do.

AfricaCommsWeek is not alone with this endeavor and we work with local, national, regional and international organisations. Since 2017 AfricaCommsWeek has become the premier network for Africa-focused communication professionals looking to positively impact Africa’s transformation. We grow by constantly leveraging, mobilising and catalysing networks and resources at all levels, in line with our vision: Africa’s economic transformation through strategic communication.

AfricaCommsWeek is using these three SDGs as a blueprint for future targets and commitments. And, as every organisation trying to operate in this space, knows: it’s a journey.

Contact us at info@africacommunicationsweek.com if you wish to collaborate.